1:1 Nutrition Intensive
The nutrition intensive is a 75 minute 1:1 private call with Alyssa to do a deep dive into your PCOS management strategy.
If you need a little support but aren’t ready for or don’t need the 3 month private coaching experience, this is for you! This is an opportunity for you to ask all of your burning PCOS questions and get personalized recommendations from a PCOS expert.
This is perfect for the person who just wants an expert to tell them exactly what to do.
Some common questions that I can help with during your intensive...
- how to stop grazing before dinnertime
- snack ideas for the picky eater
- personalized supplement recommendations, along with brand recommendations
- meal prep tips that fit your busy schedule
- lab test review and recommendations
- tips for dining out at your favorite restaurants
- reassurance that you’re on the right track
Interested in how it works?
Step One
Schedule your call and fill out the coaching questionnaire so I know what you’re struggling with the most. If you know the exact questions you want answers to, you can pre-submit these in your questionnaire.
Step Two
Meet with Alyssa over a private 75 minute video chat to get all of your questions answered and to determine a strategy for you to be successful.
Step Three
Receive a summary email of everything we talked about, along with action steps you can implement right away. This may include handouts, a supplement protocol, or lab recommendations based on your intensive session.